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The Technical University of Crete (TUC) has signed an undergraduate student exchange agreement with the University of Southern California (USC), located in Los Angeles, CA, USA.

The agreement is a result of the "Pharos Summit 2022: Greek - U.S. Collaboration in Higher Education" in the framework of the International Academic Cooperation Program organized by the Ministry of Education of Greece and the US Institute of International Education in 2019. More specifically, in November 2022, a group of representatives of US universities visited TUC and its facilities and attended presentations that showcased the educational and research activities of the five (5) TUC Schools. The presentations were given by the Deans of the Schools and coordinated by Prof. Michael Lagoudakis, Rector of TUC. Prof. Vassilis Digalakis, President of the Standing Committee on Cultural and Educational Affairs of the Hellenic Parliament, also attended the event and participated in the meetings. The presentations motivated discussions between the visiting USC representative and TUC, which were followed by a detailed review of the curricula of the undergraduate programs at the two institutions, resulting in an exchange agreement.

According to the agreement, each year four (4) undergraduate students of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of TUC receive a tuition waiver for one semester of studies at the ECE Department of USC. The students enroll in courses at USC which are counted toward the credit requirements for graduation from TUC. Reciprocally, each year four (4) undergraduate students of the ECE Department of USC attend TUC for one semester and enroll in selected courses that count toward USC graduation requirements.

The students who participate in this exchange agreement are selected via a meritocratic procedure that is agreed upon by the two collaborating universities, based on criteria of academic excellence. The agreement will remain in force for a period of five (5) years and can be renewed by mutual agreement of the two universities.

The list of courses that will be offered in English during the Academic Year 2024-2025 for incoming USC students will be added here soon. Information about the agreement can also be found at

© School of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2014
Technical University of Crete