The logo of the Technical University of Crete with title School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
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The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) is deeply involved in basic and applied research activities, funded by the European Union, the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation, the Ministry of Education, the Region of Crete administration, prefecture and local government authorities, and the private sector. Dozens of undergraduate and graduate students are employed in these programs, aiming at their better education and their familiarization with research techniques and methodologies.

The administration of research, education, and development programs is performed by the Special Account for Research Funding of the Technical University of Crete.

The Research Policy of the School of ECE aims at basic, technological, or applied research which advances science and development, while at the same time it adheres to academic standards and ethics. Collaboration with international organizations and institutions also constitutes a strategic choice of the School of ECE.

© School of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2014
Technical University of Crete