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Courses Offered in English by the School of ECE

The following courses will be offered in English during the Academic Year 2024-2025 for incoming Erasmus+ students.

Important: Prospective students are strongly advised to contact the instructors of the courses they are interested in attending before including these in their learning agreements/applications. This is imperative so as to ensure that the student has the necessary background to attend each course in question.

Undergraduate Courses


Detailed information about the above courses is available at

Graduate Courses


Erasmus+ Agreements of the School of ECE

The following table presents the active agreements between the School of ECE and European universities, in the context of the Erasmus+ program.

University Country Outgoing TUC Students Study Level (1=Diploma, 2=M.Sc., 3=Ph.D.) Language Requirements ISCED Link Responsible TUC School Professor
EURECOM Sophia Antipolis France 5 1, 2, 3 English B2 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 061 Spyropoulos
Télécom SudParis (Institut Polytechnique de Paris)  France 5 1, 2, 3   Mathematics and Statistics / 0540, Information and Communication Technologies / 0610, Engineering and Engineering Trades / 0710, Electronics and Automation / 0714   Karystinos
Cracow University of Technology Poland 2 1, 2, 3       Gyftakis
University Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier (F TOULOUS03), Faculte des Sciences et d' Ingenierie France 2 1, 2, 3 English B2 / French B2 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 061 Chalkiadakis
University of Stavanger Norway   1, 2, 3   Information and Communication Technologies / 0610, Electricity and Energy / 0713, Electronics and Automation / 0714   Giotis
Universidad de Valladolid Spain 4 1, 2, 3 Spanish B1 0713 Electricity and Energy Gyftakis
Università degli Studi di Salerno (I SALERNO01) Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione ed Elettrica e Matematica applicata/DIEM Italy 2 2, 3 Italian A1 / English B2 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) / 0610, Engineering and Engineering Trades / 0710 , Koutroulis
Università degli Studi di Salerno (I SALERNO01) Department of Informatics Italy 2 2, 3 Italian / English B1 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 061 , Koutroulis
AGH University of Krakow (PL KRAKOW02), Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications Poland 2 2, 3 English B2 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) / 0610, Engineering and Engineering Trades / 0710 , Papaefstathiou
Kaunas University of Technology (LT KAUNAS02) Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lithuania 2 2, 3 English B2 Engineering and Engineering Trades / 0710 , Koutroulis
Warsaw University of Technology (PL WARSZAW02) Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology Poland 2 2, 3 Polish / English B1 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 061 Zervakis
Universidade Nova de Lisboa (P LISBOA03), Facultade de Ciencias e Technologia Portugal 2 2 English B1 Electronics and Automation / 0714 Zervakis
Università degli Studi di Torino (I TORINO01), Dip. di Matematica Italy 2 (1 M.Sc. student, 1 Ph.D. student) 2, 3 No language requirements Engineering and Engineering Trades / 0710 Ellinas
Masaryk University (CZ BRNO05), Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Czech Republic 1 2, 3 English B2 Mathematics and Statistics / 0540, Biology / 0511, Biochemistry / 0512 , Zervakis
Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Dipartimento di Scienze e Metodi dell’ingegneria Reggio Emilia Campus Italy 2 2, 3   Engineering and engineering trades, not further defined (0710) Electronics and automation (0714) , Zervakis
University of Verona Italy   2, 3       Chalkiadakis
Technical University - Sofia, Faculty of German Engineering and Economics Education (BG SOFIA16) Bulgaria 2 2, 3 English B1 Engineering & Engineering Trades (0710), Electronics & Automation (0714), Information & Communication Technologies (0610) Faculty’s website: , Course catalogue: , Erasmus+ application procedures Zervakis
Selçuk University (TR KONYA01), Technology Faculty Department of Electrical Electronics Enineering Turkey 2 2, 3 English B1 Engineering and Engineering Trades / 071 , Christodoulakis
Selçuk University (TR KONYA01), Technology Faculty Department of Engineering Turkey 2 2 English B1 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 061 , , Christodoulakis
Université d'Orléans, Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT) de Chartres (F ORLEANS01) , Dep. of Logistics and Transport France 2 2, 3 English B1 / French Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 061 Zervakis
© School of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2014
Technical University of Crete