The logo of the Technical University of Crete with title School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
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The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) is one of the five engineering Schools at the Technical University of Crete. It was founded in the late 1980s and admitted for the first time 30 students in 1990. Today the School employs 27 faculty members, 70% of which have completed the PhD studies in prestigious universities abroad and quite a few have worked abroad before joining. Moreover the School employs 25 scientific staff members and 3 administrative staff members and welcomes every year 150-200 first-year students.

The ECE School offers an undergraduate program of studies, two MSc programs, as well as a PhD program. School's infrastructure includes 11 education/research laboratories that support undergraduate and graduate education, as well as internationally competitive research supported from competitive national and international funding (mainly from the EU). A significant part of the 1773 graduates of the School have successful careers in different professions whereas many have done graduate studies both in Greece and abroad. Some of our graduates serve as faculty members in universities in North America, Europe, and Greece, are researchers in international and Greek research institutions, work as successful professionals in large companies (in Greece and abroad), or have founded their own.

The scientific areas of the ECE School cover the entire spectrum of the Electrical and Computer Engineering curriculum, i.e., Computer Science, Electric Energy Systems, Electronics and Computer Architecture, Systems of Automatic Control, and Telecommunications, as well as the basic sciences of Mathematics and Physics. Our students receive in-depth training in all of these subjects. The School of ECE places great emphasis on the rigorous and well-rounded education of its students. For this reason, most of the undergraduate courses have a laboratory component for hands-on experience to complement the theoretical knowledge conveyed in the lectures. The laboratory work is conducted in the same laboratories where diploma theses and graduate research are carried out and thus undergraduate students are acquainted with the research conducted in the ECE School from the early years of their studies.

Research is an integral and highly-valued part of the School’s activities, because it allows the School to actively participate in the advancement of science in the international arena and has direct benefits to our educational efforts. The research conducted by members of the ECE School has led to significant international recognition and awards, including multiple best paper awards. The School's international orientation is also evident in the participation and frequent distinction of undergraduate and graduate student groups in international competitions.

© School of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2014
Technical University of Crete