The list of the courses is available on the Courses page.
The program has a minimum duration of six academic semesters.
Each candidate needs to successfully complete 3-6 graduate-level courses depending on his/her educational background. Coursework is considered completed if the student achieves a grade at least six (out of ten) in each course and the average grade over all courses is at least seven and a half.
Each candidate is also required to complete and successfully defend a PhD dissertation thesis.
PhD students are expected to publish (or report mature research results that can be published) in first class conferences and/or journals. Additional credits from the undergraduate program of School of ECE may be requested for specific PhD applicants, if the department judges that attending such courses will help the applicant obtain the necessary background for his the research topics covered by the department.
Before graduation, the PhD thesis supervisor is expected to submit a brief report, summarizing the thesis contributions.
A public defense of the thesis is mandatory.
The program complies with the provisions of the Greek national law. If the degree was awarded by a foreign university, the foreign university must be included in the National Registry of Foreign Recognized Higher Education Institutes of the Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center (Hellenic NARIC).