Short Description: The purpose of the Microprocessor and Hardware laboratory (MHL) is to provide high quality education and world-class research in the fields of computer architecture and the hardware-oriented aspects of computer engineering. In these areas the MHL aims at excellence and international recognition coming from the accomplishments of its graduates in academic and industrial careers alike, publications in high quality international journals and conferences, funded research, and international recognition.
The Microprocessor and Hrdware Lab (MHL) of the Technical University of Crete has been a state recognized Academic Laboratory since 1990 (Greek Government Newspaper FEK of April 3, 1990, No. 51, Vol. 1, Presidential Decree 125). In 1994 Prof. Apostolos Dollas was elected (and remains to date) MHL Director.
Education and Research:
The areas of scientific and educational activity of the MHL include computer architecture, reconfigurable computing, computer hardware, design and implementation of digital microelectronic systems, rapid system prototyping, design at high levels of integration (VLSI, FPGA, etc.), and CAD tool development. The MHL is a member of the EUROPRACTICE consortium.
Sector: Electronics and Computer Architecture Division
Director: Dionisios Pnevmatikatos
Lab Staff
Tel.:+30 28210 37262