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The School is proud of the accomplishments of its faculty members and graduates. Several of our students received prizes for their Diploma Thesis work from the Technical Chamber of Greece, and distinctions in international professional competitions. Many of our former students have pursued graduate studies here and abroad. Their ranks include faculty members at top-rated North-American Universities (Carnegie Mellon University, Georgia Tech, McMaster University), researchers at University, Government, and Industry Research Labs (e.g. Oracle, HP, Yahoo, Thomson, Rice-U.S., NICTA-Australia, Telcordia-U.S., Ericsson-Sweden), and successful professional engineers across Greece and Europe.

Many of the faculty members have obtained their Doctoral degrees in top-rated foreign Universities, and several worked for many years as faculty members abroad prior to joining us. The current levels of peer-reviewed scientific publication activity and competitive research funding are testament to the talent, visibility, and productivity of the faculty. Faculty credits further include multiple international project participation, multiple best paper awards in international conferences, professional recognition in terms of associate editor and technical committee member appointments, and leadership in conference organization.

Recent Distinctions

Assistant Professor Georgios Chalkiadakiis was elected at the Board of the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society (EETN), and will serve a two-year…

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16th Symposium Topological Quantum Information, Athens, Greece, 22-23 May 2014.

Title: On Quantum Walks: Quantization, Applications, Ramifications.

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Professor Demosthenes Ellinas was a member of the Organizing Committee of the

"International Conference on Statistical Physics" (SigmaPhi2016),…

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The figure of the paper Atom vortex beams
V. E. Lembessis, D. Ellinas, M. Babiker, and O. Al-Dossary
Physical Review A 89, 053616 (2014)



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The article of Assistant Professor Eftichios Koutroulis (School of ECE of the Technical University of Crete) and Professor Frede Blaabjerg (Dept. of…

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1. Control of Quantum Dynamic of Atoms, Molecules and Ensembles by Light Workshop 2014, Bulgaria, 23-27 June 2014. Talk title: "Quantum simulations of…

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Assistant Professor Dimitrios Angelakis will be for the next three years member of the Editorial Board of the European Physical Journal - Quantum…

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Prof. Minos Garofalakis is an invited keynote speaker for the8th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event Based Systems(DEBS'2014) (http://ww…

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European Research Project FP7-ICT STREP, to Minos Garofalakis 

Title: FERARI: Flexible Event Processing for Big Data Architectures

February 2014


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European Research Project FP7-ICT STREP to Minos Garofalakis and Apostolos Dollas

Title: QualiMaster: A Real-Time Data Processing Infrastructure…

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© School of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2014
Technical University of Crete