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The School is proud of the accomplishments of its faculty members and graduates. Several of our students received prizes for their Diploma Thesis work from the Technical Chamber of Greece, and distinctions in international professional competitions. Many of our former students have pursued graduate studies here and abroad. Their ranks include faculty members at top-rated North-American Universities (Carnegie Mellon University, Georgia Tech, McMaster University), researchers at University, Government, and Industry Research Labs (e.g. Oracle, HP, Yahoo, Thomson, Rice-U.S., NICTA-Australia, Telcordia-U.S., Ericsson-Sweden), and successful professional engineers across Greece and Europe.

Many of the faculty members have obtained their Doctoral degrees in top-rated foreign Universities, and several worked for many years as faculty members abroad prior to joining us. The current levels of peer-reviewed scientific publication activity and competitive research funding are testament to the talent, visibility, and productivity of the faculty. Faculty credits further include multiple international project participation, multiple best paper awards in international conferences, professional recognition in terms of associate editor and technical committee member appointments, and leadership in conference organization.

Recent Distinctions

Research Grant Capacities Programme (Research for the benefit of SMEs) to Yiannis Papaefstathiou
Title: Open Source MOdelling and hardware Software…

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European Research Grant iQTOOL Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013 to Stavros Christodoulakis Title: Innovative eLearning Tool for Quality Training…

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Marie Curie Research Grant - Industry Academia Partnership and Pathways (IAPP) to Matthias Bucher
Title: COmpact MOdelling Network (COMON)

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STREP Research Grant (Call 1, FP7) to Yiannis Papaefstathiou Title: Ad-hoc PAN & WIreless Sensor SEcure NETwork (AWISSENET) October 2007 

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ΙΕΕΕ Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer 2008 to Nikos Sidiropoulos
Lectures program by distinguished member to various chapters…

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European Young Investigator Award (EURYI) to Anastasia Ailamaki
Title: Efficient data management for scientific applications
September 2007

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2007 IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award
"On Downlink Beamforming with Greedy User Selection: Performance Analysis and a Simple New…

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Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant (MG-IRG) Award to Georgios Karystinos Title: Power and Rate Efficient Modulation in UHF-SHF…

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Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant (MG-IRG) Award to Michail G. Lagoudakis Title: Reinforcement Learning via Supervised Learning (RLvSL)…

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2005 IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award
"Creating conversational interfaces for children"
Narayanan, S.; Potamianos, A.

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© School of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2014
Technical University of Crete