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Publication of the postgraduate thesis of a graduate student of the ECE School in a high-level international research journal

The postgraduate thesis of the ECE School graduate student Leonidas Ioannis was published in the international high-level journal Advanced Quantum Technology.

The work was part of an international collaboration between TUC and the Center for Quantum Technologies of Singapore in the field of Quantum Computing, under the scientific guidance of the School's Professor Dimitrios Angelakis, who was also the supervisor of the postgraduate student.

The work is in the area of ​​Quantum Technology and is related to the application of a new quantum optimization algorithm, discovered by Prof Angelakis and his team, to optimization problems in industry.

In collaboration with the Singapore team and as part of his postgraduate thesis, the School of ECE student showed that the algorithm can also be used to find the optimal route on a route planning problem provided by ExxonMobil. Mr. Leonidas completed his postgraduate studies with honors at the School and is now serving his military service.

The publication was highlighted on the Singapore Quantum Technologies Center website:


© School of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2014
Technical University of Crete