The undergraduate students Odysseas Stavrou, Angelou Dimitris, Damianakis Stavros, Konofaos Giorgos, and Tsiambokalos Stavros of the ECE School and members of the cybersecurity team "TUCsec" of the Technical University of Crete participated in the Hack the Box's "UniCTF" annual global competition for universities, which was held on December 2-4, 2022; the team ranked 10th worldwide (among 950 teams and 4500 players) and 1st in Greece (with other participating teams from the National Technical University of Athens, the University of West Attica, the University of Macedonia, and the University of Crete in the first 100 positions).
The top three include:
- Hasso Plattner Institute
The contest is held annually, since 2019, exclusively for universities. The 2022 competition started on Friday, December 2, at 15:00 and ended on Sunday, December 4, at 21:00. It consisted of 22 challenges, out of which the TUC students solved 16 and completely cleared the categories of Forensics, FullPwn, and Cloud.
This important international distinction follows constant and successful participation of TUC School of ECE student teams in annual computer science and engineering contests.
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