XXV International School of Pure and Applied Biophysics on Quantitative analysis of optical imaging for Medicine and Biophysics: foundations, applications and perspectives
Venice (I), Palazzo Franchetti, 17-22 January, 2021 (In case of Covid-19 restrictions, the school will be postponed to June 2021 (notification by 5 november 2020).
The quantitative analysis of the huge amount of data produced by traditional and innovative optical microscopy and spectroscopy techniques can dramatically improve our understanding of basic physiological phenomena and foster the application of innovative imaging approaches in medical diagnosis.
The school will offer an overview of the foundations and applications of the most recent methods for quantitative analysis of data provided by modern optical and multimodal imaging. Tehcnical details of the quantitative analysis will be discussed in extended lectures, hands-on sessions and free informal discussion with the lecturers. The participation to the school is limited to 35 studens.
Additional info at: https://www.sibpa.it/index.php/scuola-internazionale-di-biofisica-sibpa-ivsla/school/133-xxv-edition-2020