Ομιλία με θέμα: “Free Software and Your Freedom”
Ημερομηνία: Τρίτη 26 Μαΐου 2015, ώρα 10:00 π.μ. – 13:00 μ.μ.
Αίθουσα: Γ2.1, Πολυτεχνειούπολη
Εισηγητής: Dr. Richard Stallman
Abstract: The Free Software Movement campaigns for computer users' freedom to cooperate and control their own computing. The Free Software Movement developed the GNU operating system, typically used together with the kernel Linux, specifically to make these freedoms possible.
Brief bio: Dr. Richard Stallman launched the free software movement in 1983 and started the development of the GNU operating system (see www.gnu.org) in 1984. GNU is free software: everyone has the freedom to copy it and redistribute it, with or without changes. The GNU/Linux system, basically the GNU operating system with Linux added, is used on tens of millions of computers today. Stallman has received the ACM Grace Hopper Award, a MacArthur Foundation fellowship, the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Pioneer Award, and the Takeda Award for Social/Economic Betterment, as well as several doctorates honoris causa, and has been inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame.
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