Δευτέρα 15 Απριλίου | 15:00 | Αίθουσα 137.Π.39 | Κτίριο Επιστημών
Τίτλος: Sampled-data and Networked Control Systems: A Time-Delay Approach
A classical approach to sampled-data control is based on discretization, which looses an information on the inter-sampling behavior and performance. To avoid the latter problem, a time-delay approach to sampled-data control was introduced, where the system was modeled as a continuous-time system with the delayed input/output. The time-delay approach became popular in networked control systems, where the plant and the controller exchange data via communication network. In the present talk three main approaches to sampled-data control will be discussed. A recent extension of the time-delay approach to networked-control systems will be demonstrated, where variable sampling intervals, communication delays and protocol scheduling are taken into account. Also event-triggered control will be mentioned.
Σύντομο βιογραφικό σημείωμα:
Emilia Fridman received the M.Sc. degree from Kuibyshev State University, USSR, in 1981 and the Ph.D. degree from Voronezh State University, USSR, in 1986, all in Mathematics. From 1986 to 1992 she was an Assistant and Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Kuibyshev Institute of Railway Engineers, USSR. Since 1993 she has been at Tel Aviv University, where she is currently Professor of Electrical Engineering-Systems. Since 2018, she has been the incumbent for Chana and Heinrich Manderman Chair on System Control at Tel Aviv University. She is IEEE Fellow since 2019. She has held visiting positions at the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics in Berlin (Germany), INRIA in Rocquencourt (France), Ecole Centrale de Lille (France), Valenciennes University (France), Leicester University (UK), Kent University (UK), CINVESTAV (Mexico), Zhejiang University (China), St. Petersburg IPM (Russia), Melbourne University (Australia), Supelec (France), KTH (Sweden).
Her research interests include time-delay systems, networked control systems, distributed parameter systems, robust control, singular perturbations and nonlinear control. She has published more than 150 articles in international scientific journals. She is the author of the monograph ‘‘Introduction to Time-Delay Systems: Analysis and Control’’ (Birkhauser, 2014). In 2014 she was Nominated as a Highly Cited Researcher by Thomson ISI. She serves/served as Associate Editor in Automatica, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization and IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information. She is currently a member of the IFAC Council.