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με θέμα:
Cooperative Games in Multiagent Systems
Πρόκειται για tutorial που δόθηκε στο 9ο Ελληνικό Συνέδριο Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης (SETN2016), το οποίο διεξήχθη στη Θεσσαλονίκη μεταξύ 18-20 Μαΐου (http://setn2016.csd.auth.gr/).
Cooperative (or coalitional) games provide an expressive and flexible framework for
modeling collaboration in multi-agent systems. However, from a computational perspective,
cooperative games present a number of challenges. In this tutorial, we survey work on several aspects of cooperative games and their applications to multi-agent systems.
We assume a basic knowledge of AI principles, but no knowledge of game theory or cooperative games.
We introduce the basic models used in cooperative game theory, and the relevant
solution concepts. We then describe the key computational issues surrounding such models,
and survey the main approaches developed over the past 15 years for representing and
reasoning about cooperative games in AI and computer science in general.
Following that, we discuss the aspects of cooperative games that are particularly important
in multi-agent settings, such as uncertainty and decentralized coalition formation algorithms.
We conclude by presenting recent applications of these ideas in multi-agent scenarios.